Ben's blog
Software development, games, and all that jazz
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<p>Well, I just made myself laugh. I went to see the new Indiana Jones film with my girlfriend today (it was pretty good). We had to get there very early since Odeon's online booking system broke whilst I was using it (refusing to load any pages at all just after I'd tapped in my credit card details, my favourite kind of broken), so we didn't have seats reserved.</p> <p>So we were sat there watching the ads and one came on for the new Mini Clubman - a little 'short' entitled <a href="">procrastination</a>. It was this charming hand-drawn animation about a guy wanting to get his 'things' done, but who keeps finding other things to do. It ends up with him noticing his chair is squeaky, and going to buy some oil to stop it squeaking and distracting him from doing his things.</p> <p>I hadn't thought about it much until a few minutes ago, when I caught myself kneeling by my upside-down deskchair with a can of WD40. I guess it's made even more ironic by the fact that I'm now writing a blog post about it.</p> <p>Anyway, progress has been roughly zero these past few weeks, but I have plenty of excuses - getting wrongly sued for copyright infringement and having to write a series of cheeky but serious letters to very non-technical lawyer-types, dealing with a car company that went bust after we handed over </p> <p>Update: 3rd March 2010: ... crikey, looks like this post has somehow lost a fair bit of text, sorry for that. I doubt anyone will be reading this anyway so I won't worry too much ;)</p>
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