Ben's blog
Software development, games, and all that jazz
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<p>Okay, this <em>is</em> the final move for the blog, it <em>will</em> be staying here for the forseeable future (Note from future Ben: ho ho ho, didn't see another domain change coming, did you past Ben? Ha!). I got annoyed with since it turns out that they charge $10 to set up a domain name, regardless of whether or not you already own it! Unfortunately I only discovered this after I'd bought from 123-reg, which has caused me a week's worth of hassle. Rather than go into the boring detail, I'll just warn anyone thinking of using them: <strong>don't</strong>. They don't answer their emails <strong>or</strong> phone calls, and the only contact with customers is seemingly to send them invoices. I'll be getting Trading Standards on their case shortly.</p> <p>Anyway, onto happier things: I've now got the blog set up at, after installing Wordpress myself (aren't I clevar?!), and it's great :) Wordpress really is a great piece of software, and it's very nice being able to fiddle around with it myself, as I wasn't allowed to do on I've added a little bit of content (notice the 'pages' section on the right?), and I've been getting acquainted with lots of Google's web developer tools - Analytics, AdSense, Sitemaps and so on. I'm quite enjoying it all, actually, much more so than my previous pathetic attempts at running a website!</p> <p>As for Cities in the Sky, I'm still working on it. I've made plenty of lists of things to do, and I know exactly what needs to get done before I release a preview. I just don't know how long it'll take! Currently I'm fiddling with the physics - it still doesn't quite feel right, and I'd like to get it straightened out before I go any further. After that, I'll tart up the graphics and get them looking presentable (you should see some of the placeholder screens...), then it'll be ready for a release. It won't be very interesting of course, since there'll only be one type of building and no people, but it'll be a release nonetheless. Don't hold your breath.</p>
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