Ben's blog
Software development, games, and all that jazz
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<p>Let's just gloss over the massive irony of the last post and skip on to pointing out the obvious; I've moved my blog again! I'm now using Google AppEngine to host it, using a piece of software called <a href="">Bloggart</a>. I've done this for a few reasons: mostly it's the scalability and reliability that comes with Google's clever virtualisation technology, but also it's that I won't have to pay for hosting until this site becomes <em>very</em> popular! To you, all this means is that the site should have less downtime and be faster to load, even when it's getting absolutely hammered (which is roughly never). I wanted to get the blog moved over to the new software and new snappy domain (<a href=""></a>) before I wrote any more content, as the more readers I have the more of a pain it will be to move in future.</p> <p>Obviously there are some kinks to work out. First is that most of the old post's formatting was lost in the transition - paragraphs and styles are mostly missing, code snippets and anything that looked like HTML is all wonky, and images appear inline and break things a lot. I'll be going through old posts and fixing them up soon.</p> <p>Second is that I'm still using Bloggart's theme - see <a href="">Nick Johnson, the author</a>'s blog and notice the similarities to this site! I'll be customising that too in the coming days (let's be realistic... I mean months).</p> <p>Third is that the nice interface I had with Wordpress is now gone, and replaced by a text box in which I type in raw HTML (or Textile, MarkDown or ReStructuredText, but I know HTML better...). So I've gone back a few steps usability-wise, but none of that really impacts you.</p> <p>Still, most of what I had before is working here, and some of it is even better. Take the comments for example, they're now using <a href="">Disqus</a>, which means much more useful functionality for you, and some tasty social networking features which I hear are all the rage in these modern times. I've ported over the comments from the old blog so if you have a Disqus profile already you may want to 'claim' those posts. Note that the formatting of comments has also been cocked up but there's much less I can do about that, sadly!</p> <p>As for Cities in the Sky, I haven't been twiddling my thumbs since September (I've actually made 22 commits since then according to git) so I'll likely be posting about that shortly. I've kind of been putting off writing about it since it felt like it would be a waste given that I was planning to move the blog!</p> <p>Right, that's it for now. Remember to update your feeds and bookmarks and so on - I'll leave the old site up until hosting runs out (in May 2011 apparently!) or people completely stop visiting it, then it'll either redirect here or be used as a main page for CITS.</p> <p>That is all.</p>
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