Ben's blog
Software development, games, and all that jazz
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<p>Today has been a day of much travelling in the heat again. We had a lie in till 9 as our tent was in the shade of a hedge so we were able to be in it without over-heating. We then got up and packed in record time as Ben's panniers were already strapped onto his bike. We decided to take the toll roads today as we had some mountains to pass. So we set off on the motorways, first pass St. Tropez, then North past Avignon.</p> <p>We came off the tolls into a small town to buy lunch and tomorrows' brekkie from a supermarche. We found one and just as we were tucking into our apples, it began to pour!<a href=""><img src="" class="alignleft" /></a> The heat had caused a massive thunderstorm with torrential rain, so we were stuck at the supermarche for an hour or so. The rain bought the temperature down to 28°C for a short while, but once we were back on our way the heat returned. It was so hot it was off the scale of our thermometers. I recon it was mid to high thirties today. Very hot for wearing a helmet and gloves and jacket and boots...</p> <p>Anyway, after the storm had passed we carried on up to Montelimar with many breaks along the way. The journey was fast as the limit is 130km/h, but the breeze going past was so hot it bought no relief.</p> <p><a href=""><img src="" class="alignright" /></a>Once off the motorway, the scenery became greener. Along the motorway everywhere looked very arid, and some places were black and it looked like there had been fires. But once we entered the Ardeche region this changed to green forested hills and rivers. Our campsite is up a steep narrow road, it reminded me of the small bit of road down to Chenon. The site itself is lovely; we have a large pitch with shade and English next door neighbours! Also, it is very reasonably priced at €17 which pleased Ben muchly.</p> <p>After hastily setting up we dashed off for dinner in the campsite restaurant. This turned out to be delicious! Ben had sausage and chips, and I had an amazing chicken on a stick with ‘legumes de jour'. Then we had crème brulee and chocolate fondant. And all for €8 including drinks. It was very good and just what we needed after our long hot journey.</p> <p>We are now just relaxing and pondering what to do tomorrow. I get the impression that Ben would like to do some kayaking...</p>
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