Ben's blog
Software development, games, and all that jazz
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I'll get the traditional excuses out of the way first. This time it's a good one; Rare had a bit of a drive to sort out employee 'moonlighting' projects, requiring us to get them authorised properly. Sadly there was a bit of miscommunication which delayed things by a few months (!), so I've not been able to talk about personal projects since February! On to what I've actually been doing then. I've been a busy little bee, working on a new project, called Banditos. I've just fleshed out the [Banditos website]( with some sketchy details, screenshots and a video, so go and have a peek. It's a 4 player local multiplayer stealth game that I'm working on with a couple of chums from Rare - [Dave Hill]( and [Rich Watson]( We started work on it intending it to be a decent game to play in our lunch breaks, since we love same-screen multiplayer games, and have finally gotten bored of Smash Bros. and Markio Kart. Here's a little video of a 2 player game I took the other day. All art is placeholder and done by me - the final thing will look much nicer! <object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="" width="640" height="480"> <param name="movie" value=""> </object> It's being developed using the same engine as CITS (cleverly called bengine), but we're also using Recast for AI navmesh generation and pathfinding, and Awesomium for UI (which I'll be integrating back into CITS later, since it's pretty nice). It's coming along at a fair pace, and now that I'm allowed to talk about it, I'll be making an effort to do so! Expect some more development videos later, and possibly some technical details if you're lucky.
banditos cities-in-the-sky
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