Ben's blog
Software development, games, and all that jazz
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<p><a href=""><img src="" class="alignleft" /></a>It had been raining all night, so we woke up deliberately late to avoid having to leave the tent. We ate our cheerios in the tent and got dressed and ready, and decided what we wanted to do. We got fed up of waiting for the rain to stop, so left with the brolly to find a bus to take us to Brugge. It turned out the buses only came every 2 hours, so we went and had a croque-monsieur while we waited (made up for the lack of one on the ferry). We realised we'd forgotten (well, I'd forgotten) the camera so decided to get one from one of the shops in Brugge. They turned out to be rather expensive, so we got a disposable one to tide us over. <a href=""><img src="" class="alignright" /></a>Brugge turned out to be an absolutely lovely place, despite the rain, and we had a lovely time looking round all the medieval buildings, gothic architecture (or at least I assume it was...) and picturesque waterways.</p> <p>We headed home on the bus and returned to the tent. We cooked some burgers we bought in Brugge on the tiny little camp stove (indoors due to the rain!), which were surprisingly yummy. We then sort of sat around in the tent for ages since it was getting worse outside.</p> <p>After a fair few hours of reading and playing on the game boy we noticed that the tent was starting to become submerged, which I was not happy about! Since things were getting worse quickly, I decided to do my first ever tent move.... I unpegged everything, got Helen to hold the porch open, and dragged the tent to higher ground.</p> <p>I'm very glad we did that, as the weather just got worse and worse as the night went on. It got very windy too, so much so that a lot of the other people in the field packed up and left during the middle of the night, a lot of them after their tents gave in to the wind! Ours suffered a bit of damage too, but after some cunning repairs we made it through OK.</p> <p>Unfortunately, we couldn't really sleep so I'm not really sure where to end this entry... I'll leave it at 8.30, when the alarm sounded and our next day began...</p>
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